SFICE partners with FHa for the BALANCE project
Today, fuel cell manufacturers deliver a 'module' that essentially includes the stack. For this type of solution to be widely used, a fuel cell...
BATEEIRO project is half-way through
The project BATEEIRO - BoAT ElEctrification for the decarbonisation of the fishing sector at the Island of aROusa continues to advance and has...
SFICE participates in the BATEEIRO project
SFICE has been selected as external expert by the consortium of the project BATEEIRO - BoAT ElEctrification for the decarbonisation of the fishing...
SFICE successfully develops its first innovation project in Drones with the help of the PAIP 2018 program
In addition to working as an innovation consultancy, engineering projects considered strategic for the future are also developed within SFICE. This...
H2&FC: call for proposals
A new call for proposals is available, starting today, for hydrogen and fuel cell projects. It will be possible to submit your proposals until 24th...