SFICE partners with FHa for the BALANCE project

SFICE partners with FHa for the BALANCE project

Today, fuel cell manufacturers deliver a ‘module’ that essentially includes the stack. For this type of solution to be widely used, a fuel cell system ready to be coupled to the existing installation would be needed. That is, in addition to the module with...
BATEEIRO project is half-way through

BATEEIRO project is half-way through

The project BATEEIRO – BoAT ElEctrification for the decarbonisation of the fishing sector at the Island of aROusa continues to advance and has already completed its first part, embodied in the delivery of the Interim Report. During these first months, the...
BATEEIRO project is half-way through

SFICE participates in the BATEEIRO project

SFICE has been selected as external expert by the consortium of the project BATEEIRO – BoAT ElEctrification for the decarbonisation of the fishing sector at the Island of aROusa, which has received a grant from the H2020 project NESOI – New Energy...

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